Not the Day to Buy a Lottery Ticket

I was inside the house having a popsicle to cool down after mowing the lawn. I had just finished a strawberry one and got up to throw away the stick. As i walked across the room it was as if the light left with me, as if a sheet had been quickly pulled over the …

Homesteading with ADD on a Wednesday

i arrived home from work after a short day and began unloading the car. I took the bag of popsicles, the mail, and my purse into the house. I let the dogs into the dog run and filled one of two water bowls for them. I took a look around the property while i was …

Eyes in the Darkness

This morning i put on the headlamp and went outside to liberate the chickens from the coop and fill their water dispenser and get the dog pen all situated before Sili and Cashew came out. I left them inside eating their breakfast. When i stepped outside i did the usual headlamp sweep of the darkness …

My Porch Garden/Thawing Station

When the weather is hot outside i use the porch plant cages as a makeshift counter to thaw things from the refrigerator or freezer. Chickpea Flour and melted vegan butter into a ziploc freezer bag…quail and quail blood straight into bag…add a little bit of soy sauce…onto the parchment paper. No bowl was used to …

Cleopatra and Arsinoe

One morning i went to pull the car through the gate to go to work and there were two magnificent orb weavers in adjacent impressive webs with an anchor line stretching to the ground. They are the same kind of orb weaver, probably sisters, and one is slightly larger than the other. I named the …

The Homestead gets a Dishwasher

I have always dreamed of owning a dishwasher. when i moved into the tiny house in 2019 i looked into what it would take to put a dish washer in there and it quickly became apparent that this was not an appliance that would be possible to put on this property. There was just enough …

Eczema Flare Up

Ever since snuggles with Cricket ive been having an eczema flare up about my chest, torso, and shoulders. Ive rehomed Cricket but the eczema persists. There is a prescription cream that works. My coworker gave me a bit of his to try but once i realized it worked i had to then call my doctor …

The Cacti are Blooming

Though i love the taste of cactus fruit, im just not sure obtaining them is worth the little hair like fine needles all over a pair of work gloves, on the counter, on a towel, on sand paper, on the floor, and inevitably in my hands. These flowers might just be pretty to look at. …

Return of the Dung Beetles

The dung beetles had been mia all winter and i had greatly missed them as it meant there was dog poop everywhere. For all you people pooper scoopering your yards in the city, let me introduce you to our new best friends. These guys can clear a whole field of cow dung in one day …