Year of the Spiders

Something amazing has happened! One day the entire porch was covered with microscopic orb weavers making webs. They were male and female and all the same size. There’s only one explanation for why so many identically sized orb weavers of both genders would be cohabitating in mass quantity like this. They are siblings! An egg …


As i was climbing the porch stairs after work yesterday i noticed a familiar shape hanging against the well house door and i knew instantly that it was an orb weaver! I loved orb weavers above all other spiders. They were such lovely creatures. They spun beautiful impressive webs and then waited for their prey …

This Year’s Additional Orb Weavers

Usually i write a separate post for each orb weaver where i detail their differing personalities but honestly this year i havent been home enough to fully appreciate them. Working 7 days a week i barely discover them but admire them in passing…


I found another orb weaver with a giant web stretched between two trees. This one is located in front of the tool shed right before the orchard. I named her Ailith. Now Tove has a neighbor. I am ecstatic about the existence of both of them! There are two giant ones in May already. This …


I came home late from a good friend’s house and ended up doing the evening chores around midnight by moonlight. I fell asleep working on my family tree. At dawn i was startled awake by sunlight coming through the window and two dogs sitting in front of the bed asking if i forgot to do …

the Orb Weavers Arrive

I knew that Willow was a spotted orb weaver like Wilma had been before her, but her legs were grey. They were not the brilliant translucent red that Wilma’s legs had been. The day after my birthday i saw a spotted orb weaver in a web on the fence gate. I can’t be sure whether …


I was so disappointed i hadn’t seen any orb weavers since last year. I began to fear that it would be another sparse year for my slender legged friends. During the first year on the property i had a whole squad of them. During the second year i spotted one female orb weaver and two …


This is definitely a male orb weaver. I’m not entirely sure what kind but i’m hoping a male spotted orb weaver because the female spotted orb weaver is my favorite kind of spider and if he finds a girlfriend, hopefully there will be more. It was a sizable male specimen as the male spiders are …