Light Rain

This year we’ve managed to have 1 or 2 days each week in which we get a fraction of an inch of rain. The plants are loving it. The landscape is lush and green. The consistent light rainfall is enough to sustain the vegetation indefinitely. However, the creeks are still bone dry and the Guadalupe …

A Little More Rain

Things have been so busy lately at work and on the homestead i forgot to write about last month’s rain. We got two good storms. One dropped 1.5 inches of rain and the second one brought 2 inches. It was not enough to start the river flowing again. From what i understand it needs to …

It’s Raining Somewhere

Everyone here wants rain so badly. we see on the television, mudslides in california, historical flooding in new york…water filling the streets and spilling over the railing or down the stairs like a waterfall into the subway…just so much water, an overwhelming amount of water. Texans want that. We would give anything to be flooded …

An Afternoon Shower

After the tropical storm in the gulf dissipated we had about a week of humid air and every day held a small forecasted chance of pop up storms. Most days held a 10 percent chance of rain. On the last day of the week, a sunday, the best chance of rain was forecasted: a 40 …

A Taste of Rain

A tropical storm had made landfall in the gulf with 60 mph winds. It was disappointing because we have in the past had storms blow through here easily with 70 mph winds so we all knew, a hurricane it was not going to be. It just wasnt strong enough to bring anything inland. What it …

An Episode of Storm Chasers

I was watching an episode of storm chasers this morning when i heard a familiar noise. The guys decided not to intercept the tornado with their data recording device for three reasons; it was bigger than they realized, it was heading in their direction, and it was traveling at a higher rate of speed than …