How You Know You are Joining Your Patients in the Necessity of New and Exciting Isolation Precautions:

– you wake abruptly from sleep every 8 minutes because you seem to have stopped breathing – your resting heart rate is 114 and climbing. – you feel very hot. Your usual layers of sweaters and jackets worn to combat the facility a/c begin coming off. – the orange in your lunch doesnt taste sweet. …

I Set Myself up for Failure.

This is the moment where i began to see my job as a second home and the group of people i worked with as family. My introverted self began participating in things that took me outside of my comfort zone because people i cared about asked me to and i understood that it would make …

Why Cashew Doesnt Come to Work with me:

Because it is my job to rehabilitate patients when i am on the clock. My company does not pay me to train my dog. For me this is a no brainer. Training a dog is a very focused activity. You have to tune into the way in which your animal is thinking….their motivating factors, their …

What Does it Mean to be EMS?

Our best CNA who takes care of these people like they were his own son points and hits the nurse firmly on the shoulder. We look. What we thought was a benign napping patient enjoying an afternoon snooze in his regular chair under the skylight in the warm sun is now a medical problem. Seemingly …

Weather’s Coming, Weather’s Coming!

i had just gotten back to work in time to work with some of the feeder patients for supper. I had received word that the wire transfer went through and the money i needed to write a check for the rest of the cost of the nissan rogue was sitting in my account. I had …

The Not so Spring Chicken Doesnt Play Games

I am at times the voice of reason. I am at times the sounder of alarms. I am no longer the little one with something to prove. If you have a cancerous growth i will find it, note it, and coordinate with nursing to get a doc’s eyes on it, get a biopsy on the …

Nostalgia, Shame, and Unforseen Expenses Create the Perfect Storm

It started with the realization that i could neither afford to buy groceries at the mom and pop grocery i worked at nor the chain grocery i used to work at. If i missed the produce warehouse on wednesdays between 10 and 5:30 i didnt eat for the week because my budget was 15 to …

Saying Goodbye

I was having a little trouble coming to terms with the fact that i would no longer be a healthcare practitioner; that helping people regain their independence and functionality was no longer my job. I still had a few days left before the end of my notice. For a few more days there would still …

A New Direction

i quit my job recently. I handed in my two weeks notice. Truthfully, i did it early in the morning, before i could change my mind. It was a strange experience for me because i enjoyed my boss and my team. I enjoyed my patients. I will say this: in every profession or career field …


My colleagues began discussing the emergence of anxiety disorders during the pandemic. Nurses who were used to operating inside of life or death situations for ten minute periods, doing everything possible to revive or maintain a patient until the EMTs took over found themselves in the same type of situation but extended for months on …