Wild Turkeys

I was visiting my friend one town over at her homestead when a group of wild turkeys just made themselves at home and walked right past us, weaving around the a/c unit and wood pile, wandering through the swing set, under the upside down canoe, across the driveway and through the garden. They were all …

Car Troubles

This is my new used car. Why do i have a new used car? Well that’s a long story. Basically, with the world out of car parts, materials to fix things, and the supply and demand situation with enterprise dictating that you have to reserve a vehicle way in advance and pay over 200 dollars …

Sili and Cashew

i’ve been putting off writing about Sili and Cashew’s illness because it is still very raw. I began transitioning them back onto dry food last night and they’ve only been allowed outside for four days now. They’ve been off the coconut oil and pumpkin for two days. In my mind i don’t think i’ve yet …

Prayer Request

My two sweet dogs are fighting for their lives right now. Cashew is doing better than Sili but they’re both pretty sick. I will do a full post about the last 3 weeks at a later date in time but for now please keep Cashew and Sili in your prayers. Please pray for them to …

Surprise Winter

So, after we were visited by an arctic storm the weatherman actually said on television, “Folks it looks like that will be it for the winter weather. We’re going to have a very mild rest of the season with warm temperatures expected through to spring.” Winter having just begun, i thought their statement might have …

Odds and Ends

Tuesday is my most creative meal day. When i cut vegetables and arrange them on the cookie sheet i always start with the thick and beautiful middle pieces. I save the end pieces and if i don’t have room for all of them i put them in a bag and keep them in the fridge …

A Hug from a Cat

2023 was off to a rough start, per usual. Every year we get an opportunity to start fresh and within the first week 10 things go wrong, leaving us scratching our heads about the effectiveness of our ritual black eyed peas. Anyways, i was not coping beautifully with stress and could have used a hug. …


i’ve heard a lot of “you can’t” since i moved to the hill country. There was, “You cant get a bank to loan on a tiny house on land.” “You can’t homestead without a husband” “You can’t survive in the wilderness without a man”, “You can’t make enough money homesteading to keep this land” and …

A Quick Repair

When the environment is wet wood swells and warps. Wood that can no longer fit where it is nailed, screwed, or glued bends, sometimes with so much force that it rips the nail holding it down right out of the piece of wood it is attached to. It happens most notably with the wood surrounding …